Introducing The Kinda Guide

A Weekly Survival Guide for Parenting in a Pandemic

Over the last several months, we’ve been busy running Camp Kinda, our free, virtual summer program for kids. We started Camp Kinda because we knew this would be a different kind of summer that required a different kind of camp—one that was super flexible, genuinely fun, and easy for stressed parents to use at home.

In the end, nearly 40,000 families signed up, representing all 50 states and more than 90 foreign countries. They’ve spent tens of thousands of hours adventuring with Camp Kinda, exploring topics ranging from the mysteries of history to the world’s craziest sports.

We figured we’d run camp until September, clean out the kinda cabins, and hand the job of keeping kids occupied back over to schools as normal life resumed. But, like so many of our 2020 plans, that’s… not happening.

Instead, families everywhere are facing more months of remote learning, more not-quite-quality-time at home, and more to worry about than ever. Parents are overwhelmed and just plain worn out. They need support, and guidance, and a vacation (not necessarily in that order).

So, while Camp may be ending, Kinda will not.

Later this month, we’re starting a brand-new weekly guide to help parents and caregivers get through the challenging days ahead. We’re calling it The Kinda Guide—and Camp Kinda will be part of it.

The Kinda Guide is meant to be a weekly, one-stop survival guide for parenting in a pandemic. Each week, parents who sign up will get:

  • Expert tips on making the most of remote learning
  • Kinda-genius parenting hacks and practical advice for making family life easier
  • Simple meal and snack ideas to keep things interesting (and delicious)
  • Answers to their questions from our team of award-winning teachers, counselors, and other education pros
  • Nightly dinnertime questions to get everyone talking
  • Camp Kinda activities to keep kids exploring (including exclusive new adventures!)
  • At-home family adventures like virtual trips, Friday movie-night ideas, and more

Like Camp Kinda, The Kinda Guide will be carefully curated by the education professionals and parents at EdNavigator, so parents can spend less time searching and more time focusing on other things, like where the $%#! all the face masks went.

Also like Camp Kinda, we’re committed to making The Kinda Guide accessible to as many families as possible. To do that, we’re forming partnerships with employers nationwide to provide the Guide to their employees, joining up with community organizations to bring it to their members, and asking individual families who register to donate at a level that allows us to extend The Kinda Guide to all families, regardless of their ability to pay.

We can’t wait to get started. For now, visit to get a sneak peek at the Guide and sign up to be notified when it’s time to start kinda-guiding. This school year may not be the one any of us wished for, but we’ll make the most of it together.

Get the Guide

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